Oct. 19- PTK Alpha Kappa Chapter executives and faculty administrators hosted an orientation ceremony for new members. The goal of the orientation was to explain to inductees that PTK is a prestigious honor society that offers a wide range of benefits, not a sorority or a fraternity.
Senior PTK members and administrators fielded all questions from new and prospective members and provided anecdotal accounts of how PTK has opened up new opportunities for them. Executive board member Euri Parios stressed the advantage of meeting “like-minded, intelligent, and ambitious people,” and then added “PTK will drive you to the top and make you a better person.”
Ajae Gonzalez, another executive board member, explained to students that PTK has a way of incorporating every member’s unique skill set into the organization. Gonzalez uses his training in photography to take pictures at PTK meetings and events for use on the Alpha Kappa blog.
The goal of the orientation was to get students excited about PTK membership. Present at the meeting was BMCC student Romina Moyano. “I thought I wouldn’t have time for [PTK],” said Moyano, “but the more I looked into the more excited I became. Today I realized it’s a great opportunity.”
Hope the ceremony went good. luton airport meet and greet